Welcome Back!

Hey there, friends! I’m Theo Sterling. Welcome to CupsOfSilver.ca – my personal blog site where I’ll be sharing my thoughts, experiences, and projects with you all.

Writing has always been a love of mine (hence the reason this blog site was started waaay back in 2018). Whether it was keeping a journal, writing poetry, or penning personal essays, I have always found pleasure in putting my thoughts on paper.

Over the years, I have explored various writing styles and topics. From creative writing to academic papers, I have honed my craft and discovered my love for sharing my voice and perspective with others.

So, why did I restart this blog? Well, I’ve always loved writing, and now as a career writer, it felt appropriate to revisit my first attempt at blogging. And what better way to share my new knowledge and experiences than through writing? My blog is a platform where I can share my thoughts, insights, and experiences with a broader audience and, hopefully, continue improving my craft.

On my blog, you will find various topics, from poetry to academic papers, writing advice, and more. I love exploring new subjects, experimenting with my writing, and learning new things, so you can expect to read about a great range of stuff. I am also passionate about writing as a craft, and I will be sharing tips and advice on improving your work.

Overall, I am thrilled to have this platform to share my writing with the world. I hope my blog will inspire, educate, and bring a little joy to your day. Thank you for visiting CupsOfSilver.ca, and I look forward to sharing more with you all!

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I’m Theo

Welcome to CupsOfSilver, my little corner of the internet dedicated to my poetry, essays, and other creative writing. Here, you can join me in exploring numerous topics, themes, and ideas. Thanks for reading!

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