Publication Announcement

Dear Readers and Poetry Enthusiasts!

I’m overjoyed to share with you the wonderful news that two of my poems, “To The Moon” and “The Fall,” have been selected for publication in Snowflake Magazine’s much-anticipated Anthology Issue II. This literary journey is a queer UK-based publication, and I am thrilled to have my work tucked within the pages of this magazine.

Snowflake Magazine, known for its commitment to showcasing the finest in contemporary queer poetry, has crafted an anthology issue that captures a wide range of diverse voices, each contributing a unique melody to this symphony of words. Being a part of this collection is an honour!

I encourage you to order your copy of Snowflake Magazine’s Anthology Issue II and support my writing goals and small print poetry magazines.

Order your copy today. Your support means the world to me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share my words with you in this really great anthology.

Thank you for being a part of this poetic journey.

Happy reading!

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I’m Theo

Welcome to CupsOfSilver, my little corner of the internet dedicated to my poetry, essays, and other creative writing. Here, you can join me in exploring numerous topics, themes, and ideas. Thanks for reading!

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