New Writing Achievements: FEELS Zine, Taborian, and Divinations Magazine

It has been a while since I last updated my blog, but I have some writing-related announcements to make!

I am thrilled to share that I had two poems published this past winter: “To Name It” and “Solstice.”

My poem “To Name It” was published in print in FEELS Zine, a publication about feelings. It is a place to explore, share, and be honest. FEELS believes there are no good or bad feelings—the value comes from how we relate to them, how we experience them, and what we learn from them.

My poem “Solstice” was published digitally in Taborian, an online literary publication that shares written works from all walks of life. They provide a platform for readers to enjoy beautifully written introspective essays, stimulating short stories, and vivid poetry from new, emerging, and established writers. Taborian believes written words are the tools to advance society and understanding.

Lastly, I am excited to share that from January to March of this year, I had the opportunity to be a Volunteer Editorial Assistant for a UK horror-themed literary magazine called Divinations. Divinations Magazine is the literary magazine for horror authors of the future. Each issue features shocking original fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. 

I can’t wait to start submitting my poems for publication again. I am truly grateful for all the support and encouragement I’ve received on my publishing journey!

Thanks, everyone!

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I’m Theo

Welcome to CupsOfSilver, my little corner of the internet dedicated to my poetry, essays, and other creative writing. Here, you can join me in exploring numerous topics, themes, and ideas. Thanks for reading!

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