Category: Essays

  • Co-Opting Violence: Black Mirror and Franz Fanon

    Through the critiques of nationalism and imperialism, Fanon presents a discussion of societal mental health. He extrapolates this discussion by explaining how the use of language is applied to the system of imperialist identities, such as colonizer and colonized, in order to teach and mold the native and the colonist into their designated roles as…

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  • The White Nightgown: A Symbol of Perfect Terror or Historical Innocence?

    Jezebel’s article “The Perfect Terror of the White Nightgown” raises an interesting discussion about the symbolism and portrayal of white nightgowns in literature, film, and popular culture. The author highlights the association of white nightgowns with vulnerability, fear, and femininity, citing examples from classic horror films and Gothic literature. While the article presents a compelling analysis of…

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  • Three Interpretations of Lilith

    Originally Written: March 2017 Female figures within the Western religions of Judaism and Christianity are commonly subjected to few interpretations and roles that define their character and influence how women are seen within that religious context. Images of holy women such as the Virgin Mary are held up as idealized forms of womanhood; being chaste,…

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  • A Look At Theme in “Everything is Illuminated”

    People whisper lies and secrets to and fro throughout their daily lives; at times they could be discussing hot topics of gossip, at other times they could be merely reminding themselves of a subject. Every person at some point in time will believe a lie, hear a secret, or tell a lie. The greatest lies…

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  • Sleep Dealer (2008) Mini Analysis

    Sleep Dealer depicts a dystopian future that explores the many ways in which technology both oppresses and connects migrants through the use of “nodes”. A border wall, similar to what the current United States President Trump has discussed building, has ended unauthorized Mexico-US immigration. However, migrant workers are now replaced by robots, remotely controlled by…

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  • Fried Green Tomatoes and the Nature of Love

    Question: What does the novel Fried Green Tomatoes by Fannie Flagg suggest about the nature of love? Throughout the book “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe,” any reader can observe the constantly developing versions of love between both major and minor characters. This is apparent in the exclusively intense “friendship” shared between Ruth Jamison…

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