Tag: Poetry

  • Coastline Angel, A Poem

    crashing,like the oceanthrowing itselfagainst the coastline,the seagullsopen their beaksin gales of giggles,their laughtercarried on salty windsmockingly charming;she stands at the shoreline,teeteringon the precipiceof water, and land,hair tangled,dampened with ocean tears;like the wingsof the gulls,who stand dumbstruckon the rocks,her scarfspreads wide in the wind,the silhouetteof a sea-bound angel,waiting for the right momentto let her featherstake flight.…

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  • Equinox, A Poem

    I yearn, my face pressedto the glass window,watching the snowas it disappearsfrom the sidewalk;the Sun and Moonsit in equilibriumtonight,and I wonderif they’re sharing secrets,in the waysthat old Lovers only can. Sterling, 2024

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  • New Writing Achievements: FEELS Zine, Taborian, and Divinations Magazine

    It has been a while since I last updated my blog, but I have some writing-related announcements to make! I am thrilled to share that I had two poems published this past winter: “To Name It” and “Solstice.” My poem “To Name It” was published in print in FEELS Zine, a publication about feelings. It is…

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  • Publication Announcement

    Dear Readers and Poetry Enthusiasts! I’m overjoyed to share with you the wonderful news that two of my poems, “To The Moon” and “The Fall,” have been selected for publication in Snowflake Magazine’s much-anticipated Anthology Issue II. This literary journey is a queer UK-based publication, and I am thrilled to have my work tucked within…

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  • Publication Announcement!

    Dear friends and poetry enthusiasts, I am thrilled to share the exciting news that some of my poetic musings have found a home in the pages of Petal Projections! It is with immense gratitude and excitement that I announce the publication of some of my poems in both Issue 07 and Issue 08 of this…

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  • Coffee Shop Family, a Poem

    Timid creatures meeting nose to toes, your little hands shy, as they reach across the open cafe air, to touch the fur of some soft stranger. Bashful attempts of courage and charisma, your family of dark hair, and bright eyes delights in the excitement of meeting someone new. Sterling, 2023

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