Tag: Poetry

  • Poetry Advice From A Wannabe Poet

    Writing poetry is a deeply personal and rewarding experience for me. It allows me to express my innermost thoughts, ideas and emotions in a creative and meaningful way. Whether you’re a seasoned poet looking for a new spark or just starting out, experimenting with different forms and poetry techniques can help you discover new ways…

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  • Cat Politics, A Poem

    I slept on my left side last night, and now my whiskers are wild and curly— a style not in vogue. I lick my paw, and run it across my face in an effort to self domesticate. That is our nature, right? To groom, and be presentable, to receive love, but never return it, to…

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  • Doc Martens, A Poem

    My arrogance is two blistered heels, a mess of blood, fluid, and skin. Spilling over into socks and new shoes, the symbol of refusing to give up. Failure is not an option, but shedding skin, like a snake isn’t a success story. Crippled walk holes in Achilles’ heels, I’m immune in all places except for…

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  • Checking Fence, A Poem

    It’s noon in the pasture waves of green sway in the remains of a little breeze, the blades of grass, sun bleached by cloudless skies. I check the barbed wire, and suck my thumb when the plush red emerges from an accidental prick. There’s three more hours left out here, the fence line disappears into…

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  • Haunted House, A Poem

    There’s a strange hole in the wall where a photo once hung, the solemn nail still standing at attention. You can trace the frame’s shape when the evening sun pours in, a little ghost of a memory, now tucked away in some junk drawer Maybe that’s what it means to live in a haunted house.…

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  • Melancholic Morning, A Poem

    My heavy eyelids droop like morning dew— I stretch my arms above my head, and open my mouth wide with a yawn that swallows all of my emotions, as a rouge tear rolls down my cheek. What a surprise to find a drop of melancholy on a morning this bright. My body betrays me, in…

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